

Woensdag 13 februari 2013

collectie lente-zomer 2013 van Bobo Choses

Opnieuw brengen de ontwerpers van Bobo Choses een verrassende collectie. Dit jaar vertelt Jean Gustav over de avonturen in zijn kleine kruidenierszaak. Met de typische kleuren en prints van Bobo Choses presenteren we jullie prachtige combinaties en setjes. Op en top Bobo Choses.


Jean Gustav has a grocer’s soul and an elephant’s body,
and all his customers know the taste of
a tomatoey tomato or
a carroty carrot or
an appley apple or
a lemony lemon
due to the simple but very important fact that they
buy their fruit and vegetables chez Jean Gustav.
When you open the door and go inside,
Jean Gustav tips his hat ‘hello’
and the smell of newly baked bread
takes you by the waist and follows you
up and down the aisles of the grocer’s shop...
Colours, shapes and flavours greet you, each with their own voice.
Every time someone bites into and savours
something from Jean Gustav’s,
they remember the kindly elephant with the grocer’s soul.
If you’re ever in the neighbourhood, go in and meet him. 

Written by Felipe Cano  



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